Thursday, December 8, 2011

four happy things on friday...

1. fairy bread at a party for adults
2. lovely puppies and half price op shop mocs
3. the blue sky peeking through
4. rain that makes my herbs double over two days

Feel free to join in! Just leave a comment and I will pop over to see your happy things this friday...

**i'll be off bright and early tomorrow morning on our
sweet summer roadie so blogging will probably be a little bit light on (depending on how organised i get)! cant wait to share photos, treasures and stories with you when i get back :)! feel free to follow me on instagram (user name is kelliebenard)



  1. Fairy bread certainly has a way of conjuring childhood memories that make me smile.
    Ans what's not to love about pooches, blue skies and flourishing herbs :)
    Enjoy your weekend Kel.


  2. Oh happiness is fairy bread!!!!!!!
    Ok I'm off to do four happy things right now!!!,
    Making a wish for many op-shop finds to come your way. Lv V

  3. When I was a kid my mum only ever fed us healthy food. Wheat free, gluten free, sugar free, vegetarian, raw, you name it. Whenever I went to a kids birthday party I would run to the party food table and scoff my face with fairy bread. Sugar on white bread = the best!! Have fun on your trip - good luck treasure hunting xoxoxoxoxoxxo

  4. I hope you have a fab time on your Summer roadie Kel, drive carefully and I hope you unearth lots of treasure on the way x

  5. fairy bread - the novelty never wore off for me, either! Love the pup and the mocs! x

  6. aahh that fairy bread looks so sweet what a great idea ;-)) Have a great time and i will look forward to seeing the photo's on your return, dee xx

  7. Oh my goodness... puppy! He is adorable!

  8. Oh look at those big brown eyes! They break your heart! Safe road tripping x
