Tuesday, May 29, 2012

from my kitchen.

eating has taken on a new meaning at our house.

it has been a lot of whole. clean. made from scratch type eating.
and as a result i am enjoying it more.
the planning.
the shopping.
the preparing.
the cooking.
and the eating.
all of which is usually done together. which might be the nicest part of all.

when we eat cake they have walnuts and oranges in them. and they are so yummy.
breakfasts are smoothies made from freshly picked fruit and vegies.
we add nuts and seeds to salads.
we bought a pasta maker.
we know what is in the food we eat. and we love it so much more.

walnut and orange cake recipe from over here

Monday, May 28, 2012


on the weekend i went for a walk. it was long. 44km long. by sunday night i could not walk anymore. literally. my husband had to carry me from my car to the house. because at about the 35km mark my knee decided that it did not like what i was trying to make it do. and gave up. fair enough.

i have been making good friends with my physio so that she can fix me up because in a little under three weeks time i'll be doing it all again. plus another 56km. yep. crazy. if you have been reading this blog for a while you would have heard me talk about the oxfam trailwalker event that i'll be competing in with three friends. we will be walking 100km in less than 48 hours (our aim is 32) and raising some money for oxfam along the way. my physio is optimistic that my knee will hold out and i am determined. if you would like to make a donation to oxfam via our teamspace you can head over here.

feel free to send me lots of healing and happy thoughts between now and the 15th of june. eek. i'll keep you posted!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

to do.

im a list girl. it makes my chaotic mind feel a bit more ordered. plus it makes me feel good when i can cross something off

my week (hopefully) looks a little bit like this.

. : frame and hang that awesome 'let's get lost' print from this etsy store.
. : go to the physio. and the doctor. (more on this tomorrow)
. : attempt to make vegan cheese for pizza night. and then eat it.
. : get my year 10's ready for their exam.
. : plant some more kale seeds.
. : transplant the herbs.
. : floss. more than once.
. : find my water bottle.
. : play with the dog. properly. don't just growl at her for jumping up on you.
. : list those last few things on ebay.
. : start putting together a 'paris book' of all the places you will visit.
. : send gran that thank-you card.

thanks for indulging me. what is on your 'to do' list?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

quinoa and vegie salad

thought i would share a quick and simple recipe* that really hit the spot on monday night. and then again on tuesday for lunch. and then again on tuesday night.

1. cook some quinoa on the stove as per packet directions
2. steam whatever vegies you feel like / have floating around in the bottom of the fridge (i used brocolli, potato, carrot and capsicum)
3. mix together in a big bowl with some roast pumpkin or sweet potato** (or both), baby spinach, mushrooms, hemp seeds, mung beans and chia seeds
4. serve with dressing. mix equal parts lemon juice and olive oil, minced garlic (i used 2 cloves) plus some fresh mint and parsley.

feta might be nice in here too but im trialing a vegan diet for the next 26 days to see if it makes much of a difference for me. will keep you posted.

*i use the term recipe very loosely here
**i have started roasting a big batch of pumpkin and sweet potato at the start of the week and adding them to meals as desired. saves a LOT of time for us and helps up the vegie intake.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

what i have learned.

this week i was asked to speak with my students about some of the things that i wish i had known as a teenager. gosh. i am often struck by how little i knew and understood as a teenager and, perhaps as a result, how difficult those high school years were

here are just a few of the things i have learned since then...

. : that everyone looks nicer when they smile
. : that you should not cut your own fringe on the day that you graduate from highschool
. : that it doesn’t take much to make someones day
. : that a real man treats all women right all of the time
 . : that family holidays are not lame
. : that what is 'weird' as a teenager is 'quirky' as an adult. and quirky is kind of awesome. 
. : that if you find a spider in your car while you are driving you MUST stay calm. punching yourself in the legs to kill the aforementioned spider will not help.
. : that parents are not perfect but they do their best
. : that staying healthy is not just for old people
. : that your world will not stop if that boy doesn't like you back. even though it feels like it might.
. : that manners are important
. : that outside is full of magic and dancing is better if it is done in the rain
. : that everyone should jump fully clothed into a swimming pool at least once in their life
. : that going out for ice cream with your grandparents will not always be an option. do it while you can.
. : that sometimes it is better to be kind than to be right
. : that being happy is different to being joyful
. : that everyone has a story worth hearing
. : that Jesus is a really good decision

how about you? what do you wish you had known when you were a teenager?

Monday, May 21, 2012


a few treasures picked up over the last week. i also managed to find a couple of johnson mugs but they seem to have disappeared into the abyss that is my house. haha. will try and round them up for next week.

hope your op shops are being kind to you.


Sunday, May 20, 2012


1. backyard fires in brand new fire pits
2. being still
3. pretty scraps
4&5. testing out the new holga lens

i hope your weekend was full of beauty too.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


slow. simple.

it's been something we have been thinking about for a long time. and i feel like we are taking little baby steps toward the life we want. we still have a long way to go but we are on the way. and that's enough for now.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

happy mail

over the past couple of weeks there have been a few happy pieces of mail that have snuck in amongst the car registration and rates. they always seem to come at the best times - after a hard day or an exhausting week. somehow this kind of mail always makes things better...

1. the most fabulous homemade skirt from Kylie made from a vintage sheet and doily
2. gorgeous handmade cards that i won in a blog giveaway over at reread

i do really love this blog world... for the support. for the inspiration. for the friendship. and sometimes, for the very happy mail.

Monday, May 14, 2012


you know that ever growing 'op shop to buy' list that is stored in your phone? the one that has your dream op shop finds? like a round beveled mirror, classroom blackboard, owl cookie jar and roll down maps. no? just me?

well - also on that list was a vintage boater and cookie jar. i should have also added awesome floral embroidered cardigan but i didn't know what i was missing out on until a few weekends ago! i found all three things within the space of 24 hours and needless to say, i was fairly chuffed with myself! now i just need to find that blackboard!

have you found any treasure lately?

p.s - blogger seems to be adding hyperlinks to some of my text and linking to some random 'win an iphone' rubbish. anyone know how to get rid of it?

Sunday, May 13, 2012


gosh i love weekends. ever since i left high school i worked shift work so i never really appreciated weekends as they should be appreciated. it is only in the last 12 months (and even more so in the last 3) since really making a conscious decision to be still and be slow and be intentional with my time that i have started giving my weekends the respect they deserve....

1. local live music (some of my year 12 students. so awesome.)
2. mamas day card making
3. puppy cuddling (and new thrifted cardigan wearing)
4. belated gift giving

did your weekend love you back too?

Monday, May 7, 2012

lucky dip

there is an op shop near work that i have only ever seen open twice. it is one of those community run ones that seems to only open whenever they can find someone to staff it which results in some fairly unpredictable opening hours. it is one of those op shops that you have to fight the dust and rummage through giant bins and boxes to find treasure which is always hiding there somewhere. it is fabulous. and when you can fill a bag with all those goodies (including vintage pyrex) for $4 i don't even mind that it's never open. it's kind of like a lucky dip :)

p.s - sorry for my extended blogging absence. i blame year 8 camp.