Monday, July 11, 2011

a few things...

*my very best friend got ENGAGED on the weekend! hip hip hooray for wedding planning :)!

*a new blog crush! (and where the above image has come from)

*the loveliest little jacket! that vintage sheet lining is perfection....

*i am thinking of hosting another vintage sheet swap in the near future. yes it's a big job but my love for vintage sheets is outweighing the big time sacrifice! i have been getting a few emails and comments asking about this so thought i would float the idea again. would definitely need to have a cut off number this time. Let me know if you are keen :)

*THANKS for all the comments about binding a quilt and commenting with blogger. i seem to have the commenting problem fixed and will hopefully get the quilt finished in the next few weeks (just need to find some spare time.. eek!). can't wait to show you the finished product!


  1. hi, I'd be keen with the vintage sheeting idea :)

  2. so exciting! i'd be sooooooooooo keen and will make sure i send more sheets in this did a marvellous job. we need to catchup over a chai at rummage, both my besties will be overseas so i'll be doing it alone. have a few lovely things to sell. can't wait to see your stash. have a lovely week. yay for engagements and blog crushes! xx

  3. Hey Kel, I'm keen for sure...already have a pile of fqs ready to go! Please count me in x

  4. I'd be interested in another sheet swap for sure. I'll be a bit more organised this time though! You did such a great job last time...

  5. Would love to do another sheet swap: the perfect excuse to do some serious opshopping too!!

  6. YES!!!! I'M IN! Pick me pick me!!You are the best!!
