Tuesday, June 22, 2010

hitting the vintage badge jackpot!

we seem to have exceeded our internet download so the computer is being rather slow (it has taken me about 20 minutes to get this post up and running! haha)! i promise i'll post more when i am reconnected with the world wide web!

this is just a little preview of my op shop haul last week! i was at my last op shop of the day and looked down and there was a little wicker basket full of all these totally random and funky vintage badges - needless to say i cleaned them out! ha!

arent they beautiful?

have a happy wednesday xx kel


  1. i love these. they are gorgeous. so cute. i used to have so many cute and funky pins. and i have no idea where they are. time for a scavenger hunt! thanks for reminding me! ♥

  2. i have a tone youd love!!! we should do a vintage swap sometime!
